Healthier Cows, Happier Planet!

Deciphering the blueprint

In every living organism, the DNA within each cell imparts the instructions dictating its functionality. 

Genes, the components of DNA, play a crucial role in determining an animal's traits, such as height, hair color, horn growth, and susceptibility or resistance to diseases. These traits are often inherited from one generation to the next, with some being deemed more favorable than others.

In the realm of agriculture, intentional animal breeding and traditional selection processes aim to perpetuate the most desirable attributes in successive generations. Since the early days of animal domestication, farmers have selectively bred animals based on traits considered valuable. Over the course of thousands of years, farmers have employed trial and error to raise superior, healthy food animals without compromising the inherent qualities they possess.

tapping into the good genes

With groundbreaking advancements, Acceligen scientists are aiding farmers and veterinarians in swiftly addressing enduring animal health issues and enhancing the welfare and productivity of food animals. 

This progress is achieved by leveraging naturally occurring genes inherent in the population and specific to each species.

For millennia, people have safely consumed meat and dairy products containing these genes, which are integral to the natural makeup of the species.

Enhancing the Well-being of Animals

Acceligen offers a swifter and more precise approach to impart the advantages to established breeding programs, preserving genetic diversity while safeguarding elite  traits. Our solutions empower farmers to perpetuate the breeding of high-merit animals while concurrently addressing  health and welfare traits.

By enhancing animal health, our technology reduces the reliance on medicinal interventions, contributing to a more sustainable approach. Improved animal well-being not only minimizes the strain on natural resources but also reduces waste from unproductive animals and on-farm losses.

Precision Breeding plays a vital role in averting disease outbreaks that pose a threat to animal agriculture and the economy. By curbing such outbreaks, we mitigate losses and prevent potential spikes in prices at the grocery store.

Who benefits from precision breeding


Meeting Increasing Demands for Nourishing Food from Ethically Raised Animals

Advancing Sustainable Animal Agriculture Through Precision Breeding Solutions

The well-being of livestock and aquaculture animals holds immense significance for humanity, as they are integral to our sustenance, clothing, various products, and contribute to job opportunities for billions of people.

Adopting enhanced breeding practices that prioritize the health and well-being of animals leads to improved quality of life for farmers & consumers alike, boosts the economy, contributes to environmental well-being. The expanding knowledge of genes and disease resilience mechanisms empowers breeders to augment disease resistance through genetic interventions.

Long-standing aspirations of animal farmers to breed for advantageous health and welfare traits are now achievable. Traits such as natural disease resistance and hornlessness, attainable through Precision Breeding, reduce the need for medical, or other interventions. This not only shields animals from disease outbreaks that lead to mass losses and increased grocery prices but also eliminates routine procedures like dehorning and castration, promoting a more humane environment for animals and farm workers alike.

Ways we can improve animal health and well-being


For Beef & Dairy Cattle

  • Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) resistance
  • Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) resistance
  • Pest resistance
  • Improved heat tolerance
  • Dehorning procedure prevention
  • Greater genetic diversity


For Swine

  • Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) resistance
  • Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) resistance
  • Piglet nutrition enhancement
  • Castration procedure prevention
  • Greater genetic diversity


For Fish

  • Disease resistance
  • Disease outbreak mitigation
  • Sea lice resistance
  • Antibiotic use reduction
  • Reduced use of antibiotics
  • Greater genetic diversity

evolving Animal propagation Sustainability through Precision Breeding

Expediting enhancements in animal health through natural breeding technologies yields numerous advantages such as diminishing the consumption of natural resources in animal farming while providing a pathway to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. 
Food producers are increasingly attentive to breeding practices that promote heightened sustainability. 
The expanding understanding of genes and mechanisms governing animal health is reshaping the traditional paradigm, opening up additional avenues to mitigate the environmental impact of both animal agriculture and aquaculture.

Ways we can improve sustainability


In Beef & Dairy Farming

  • Maintain biodiverse livestock capacity
  • Reduced waste
  • Reduced greenhouse gases
  • Reduced water usage
  • Localized climate adaptation
  • Reduced use of antibiotics
  • Improved feed efficiency


In Pig Farming

  • Maintain biodiverse livestock capacity
  • Reduced waste
  • Reduced greenhouse gases
  • Reduced water usage
  • Localized climate adaptation
  • Reduced use of antibiotics
  • Improved feed efficiency


In Fish Farming

  • Maintain biodiverse livestock capacity
  • Reduced waste
  • Reduced greenhouse gases
  • Reduced overfishing of fish used for feed
  • Localized climate adaptation
  • Improved feed efficiency