To Improve Animal Well-being 
Reduce Environmental Impacts
Resist Diseases 

Because Even Cows Deserve a Superpower

Good food starts with healthy animals

Across time, animals have been nurtured and selectively bred to perpetuate desirable traits in their progeny. The ongoing evolution of this practice embraces newfound knowledge and technologies with each passing generation, fostering continuous enhancement. 

At present, we stand on the threshold of a revolutionary progression known as "Precision Breeding." This pioneering approach seamlessly integrates advanced genetic insights with the precision to deliberately instill natural traits, markedly expediting genetic advancements in animals destined for food production.

The outcome of Precision Breeding manifests in robust, disease-resistant animals, fostering more sustainable farming practices and elevating standards of animal well-being. 

This transformative method represents a significant leap forward in our ability to responsibly and efficiently improve the genetic makeup of the animals essential to our food supply.

Addressing long standing challenges in agriculture & aquaculture

The Acceligen team, comprised of individuals deeply rooted in agriculture, consists of globally recognized experts in Precision Breeding—the progressive frontier of genetic enhancement. 
Precision Breeding involves integrating optimal natural traits into the succeeding generation of farm animals. Harnessing native traits in cattle, swine, fish, and other species contributes to disease resistance, enhanced adaptability, increased survivability, and reduces the necessity for routine medical interventions.

This approach results in the production of healthier, ethically-raised animals, translating to a reduced demand for both animals and natural resources to sustain global nourishment.

Traits for improved animal health and well-being

For Beef & Dairy Cattle

• Bovine Tuberculosis (BTB) Resistance 
• Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV)       Resistance 
• Pest Resistance 
• Improved Heat Tolerance 
• Localized Climate Adaptation 
• Dehorning Procedure Prevention 
• Greater Genetic Diversity

For Swine

• Porcine Reproductive Respiratory 
  Syndrome (PRRS) Resistance  
• Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) 
• Piglet Nutrition Enhancement  
• Castration Procedure Prevention  
• Greater Genetic Diversity

For Fish

• Disease Resistance
Disease Outbreak Mitigation
• Sea Lice Resistance 
• Reduced Use of Antibiotics
• Greater Genetic Diversity

Traits for improved sustainability

For Beef & Dairy Cattle

  • Reduced Animal Population
  • Reduced Waste
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gases
  • Reduced Water Usage
  • Localized Climate Adaptation
  • Reduced Use of Antibiotics
  • Improved Feed Efficiency

For swine

  • Reduced Animal Population
  • Reduced Waste
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gases
  • Reduced Water Usage
  • Localized Climate Adaptation
  • Reduced Use of Antibiotics
  • Improved Feed Efficiency

For fish

  • Reduced Animal Population
  • Reduced Waste
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gases
  • Reduced Overfishing of Fish used for Feed
  • Localized Climate Adaptation
  • Improved Feed Efficiency